Presentations, Posters and Pictures of the Leipziger Symposium 2017

We want to thank all participants and speakers for their contributions to the Leipziger Symposium 2017! The presented material and the talks in-between gave a deep insight into dynamic sorption processes with a theoretical, experimental and application point-of-view. Because of the overwhelming feedback we are proud to announce that the Leipziger Symposium on dynamic sorption will proceed next year! While working out the program is progress, you can already block the date or register directly for the Leipziger Symposium 2018:

17.04.2018 in Leipzig

We would be pleased to see you again in Leipzig!
We are also happy to provide you with the presentations and posters shared by our speaker as well as some pictures of the venue.

Logo of the Institut für Nichtklassische Chemie
Logo of Quantachrome GmbH & Co. KG

Presentations of 2017

9:10 – 10:00 Warum dynamische Messmethoden in der Adsorptionstechnik?
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Staudt, HS Offenburg

10:20-11:00 Dynamische Sorptionsuntersuchungen am System VOC/Aktivkohle
Dr. Jens Möllmer, INC Leipzig

11:00 – 12:00 Salt/Zeolite Composite Materials for Thermochemical Energy Storage
Dr. Steffen Beckert, Prof. Roger Gläser, Universität Leipzig

13:30 – 14:20 Modellierung dynamischer Sorptionsprozesse
Dr. Andreas Möller, Quantachrome GmbH & Co. KG

14:20 – 15:00 Auslegung dynamischer Sorptionsverfahren – ein Praxisbericht
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Jekow, Silica GmbH

15:30 – 16:00 InfraSORP – Speeding up Characterization of Functional Materials by Optical Calorimetry
Dr. Nicole Klein, Fraunhofer IWS Dresden

16:10 – 17:00 Kinetische Untersuchungen zur adsorptiven Luftzerlegung im PSA Prozess
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Guderian, FH Münster

Posters of 2017

Bestimmung von Adsorptionsisothermen in Packungen mit sehr geringer Trennstufenzahl mittels erweiterter Elution by Characteristic Point Methode
Dave Hartig (1), Stephan Scholl (1,2)
(1) Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institute für Chemische und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
(2) Technische Universität Braunschweig, Zentrum für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik

Functionalization of Silica Gel and MCM-41 via Gas Phase Adsorption – For Metal Removal
H. Uhlig (1), O. Mkhari (2), D. Enke (2), J. Hofmann (1), J. Möllmer (1), R. Gläser (1, 2)
(1) Institut für Nichtklassische Chemie e.V., Leipzig, Germany
(2) Institute of Chemical Technology, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

SO3H-functionalized Periodic Mesoporous (Organo)Silica for catalytic applications
Jana Timm, Roland Marschall
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen

Adsorption von Zitronensäure an Aktivkohle Laboranordnung zur Ermittlung von Durchbruchskurven in der Flüssigphase
J. Hofmann, M. Lange, J. Möllmer, R. Oltrogge, M. Wecks, R. Gläser
Institut für Nichtklassische Chemie e.V., Permoserstraße15, D-04318 Leipzig

Porous solids for heat storage applications: In-depth material testing by vapor breakthrough measurements
G. Kalies (1), T. Hähnel (1), J. Möllmer (2), J. Hofmann (2), C. Reichenbach (3), A. Möller (3), R. Eschrich (3)
(1) HTW Dresden, Dresden/Germany
(2)Institut für Nichtklassische Chemie e.V., Leipzig/Germany
(3) Quantachrome GmbH & Co. KG, Odelzhausen/Germany

Breakthrough Curves of Propane at Different Relative Humidities
R. Eschrich (1), C. Reichenbach (1), A. Möller (1), A. Seidler (1), D. Klank (1), D. Forberg (2)
(1) Quantachrome GmbH & Co. KG, Odelzhausen
(2) helsatech GmbH, Bayreuther Straße 9-11, 95482 Gefrees

A Model for the Sorption Kinetics of Salt/Zeolite Composites
Christoph Lehmann (1,2), Thomas Nonnen (3), Steffen Beckert (4), Roger Gläser (4), Olaf Kolditz (1,2), Thomas Nagel (1,5)
(1) Dept. for Environmental Informatics, Helmholtz Centre for Env. Research
(2) Applied Environmental Systems Analysis, Technische Universität Dresden
(3) SorTech AG, Halle (Saale)
(4) Institute of Chemical Technology, Universität Leipzig
(5) Dept. of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Trinity College Dublin

Pictures of 2017

Register online for the Leipziger Symposium 2018: 2018-04-17

10 + 10 =

Participation fees:

  • Industrial participants: 180,00 € (early bird until March 1st: 150,00 €)
  • Institutional participants: 100,00 € (early bird until March 1st: 80,00 €)
  • Students: free of cost
  • Speakers (talks and scientific posters): free of cost

All prices + 19% MWSt.

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